Specialists regarding materials for mechanical wear, corrosion and high temperatures
CarboTech Nordic is a trading company with main focus on issues regarding mechanical wear, high temperature and corrosion. We offer powder based solutions and/or modern coating-technology.
Depending on the type of issue we can deliver finish to print parts or preforms – wire, mesh, plates, rods or tubes; in powder based materials. It can be Tungsten Carbide, Technical Ceramics, Graphite or Special Metals like Wolfram, Molybdenum, Nickel and Precious Metals. Also high-end Stainless Steel parts is in our program.
Alternatively we also offer modern coatings as Keronite(aluminium/Titanium/Magnesium), PCD/CVD or 3D laser cladding.

Composite material faces strong growth.
Composites is a business area with high growth rates – mainly carbon fiber.
We offer tubes, plates but also machined parts. The new composites reduce the weight on mechanical parts and have a very high strength / weight ratio. Certain carbon finer matrix(CFC) can also be used as fixtures in vacuum furnace-systems at temperatures up to 2000oC.
Independent supplier
Carbo Tech Nordic is an independent supplier, which get material and technology through our partner network worldwide – mainly Germany, China and USA.
Based on our customers requirements and specification, we find the must suitable solution, including selection and test of alternative materials which can reduce downtimes and make the production or process more efficient.
By using Carbo Techs knowledge through 25 years of operation, you will save time and money and no cases is to small for us.
Our customers is research-organisations and companies in different branches, as Iron-Steel, Electronic, Medical and Chemical.